The list is split into two groups:1. Geometry of disk arrangements2. Spinors in disk arrangements
and other disk configurations
For the theorem on the disks in general configuration, see
- A theorem on circle configurations
arXiv:0706.0372 (2007, 16 pages).
For the above interpreted as the (possibly) simplest proof of Descartes' formula, see
- Proof of Descartes circle formula and its generalization clarified
[arXiv:1910.09174] (2019, 3 pages)
Applications of the generalized formula
- Lens sequences,
Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol 23 (2020), Article 20.11.6 (36 pages)
- The Koide Lepton Mass Formula and Geometry of Circle Configurations,
(2012, 3 pages) [arXiv:1201.2067] [Cited in the Wikipedia]
- On the Dedekind tessellation,
[arXiv:1912.05768] (2019, 16 pages)
Other papers related to disk arrangements
- On a Diophantine equation that generates all integral Apollonian gaskets, ISRN Geometry.Article ID 348618, 19 pages, 2012. doi:10.5402/2012/348618.
- Apollonian depth and the accidental fractal, (2020, 35 pages]
- Fibonacci numbers and Ford circles (2020, 8 pages)
[arXiv: 2003.00852]
- Coupled-ring resonance and unitary groups
(with M. Sayeh),
The Journal of the Optical Society of America B,
36 (3), 2019, 667-673.
- Skein relations for spin networks, modified, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 27 (7) 2018 [arXiv:1807.07244 ]
- Golden Window (2010),
Mathematics Magazine, 83 (5) 2010, no. 5, pp. 228-237.
(This is a creative contribution, recreational mathematics)
2. Apollonian tangency spinors
Introduced here:
- Clifford algebras and Euclid's parameterization of Pythagorean triples,
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (Mathematical Structures), 17 2007 pp. 71-93.
For the more detailed exposition and the main theorems and properties, see:
- Spinors and the Descartes configuration of circles
[arXiv:1909.06994] (2019, 21 pages)
Further development and various applications:
- Integral spinors, Apollonian disk packings, and Descartes groups
[arXiv:2105.12950] (2021, 31 pages) - Apollonian depth, spinors, and the super-Dedekind tessellation
[arXiv:2009.02680] (2020, 20 pages)
- Spinors, lattices, and classification of integral Apollonian disk packings,
[arXiv:2001.05866] (2020, 35 pages)
- Tessellations and Descartes disk configurations
[arXiv:1910.05919 ] (2019, 12 pages)
- Apollonian coronas and a new Zeta function
[arXiv:1909.09941] (2019, 19 pages)
Perhaps one can find equations for the spinors in a given configuration?